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10 Tips from Muslim Nutritionists on What to Eat in Ramadan

By May 16, 2018Blog

Did you know that our bodies have rights over us?


We are supposed to take care of ourselves, for the sake of God. He gave us the bodies we have as a gift, but we will have to answer how we took care of them.


We like the sweets, and the fried foods, don’t we?  These treats can get to be a bad habit.


But during Ramadan, every meal counts. Don’t just take my advice about how to eat and drink during Ramadan. Learn from the experts: nutritionists.


Here is a sample of 10 tips from Muslim nutritionists on how and what to eat in Ramadan to maximise your health and your devotions:


A Simple Suhoor

  • Keep suhoor light and as simple as possible
  • Make sure to drink water through the night
  • Water with fruit and whole grains is best

Hold the Salt

  • Some of the foods you eat already have salt, like cheese
  • Salt dehydrates the body’s fluids, so cut down on the salt
  • A taste for salt can be brought down by gradually adding less and less

Fries with That?

  • Frying foods in oil is considered by everyone, not just nutritionists, to be poor for your health
  • Your fasting body will use up the sugars in your body and then process fats. You don’t want to add to the fat in your body.

Clean, Pure Water

  • When you wake, and as you prepare your meal, sip on water.
  • Keep fruits handy when you eat your morning meal, as they contain a lot of water, especially watermelon and grapes
  • Add a squirt of fresh lemon juice to give your digestive organs a gentle boost

A Hearty Soup

  • Your stomach won’t take rich sauce and meat right away, so begin your evening meal with some soup
  • A broth with beans and vegetables is a nice way to ease your empty stomach into a meal
  • Soup is of course a liquid and another way to make sure you keep up your fluids

Start with Salad

  • Consider a salad for the second course of the breaking-fast meal
  • Another gentle side to introduce eating to your stomach
  • Salads provide the good roughage that your digestive system will appreciate

Veggies with Meat

  • Balance your proteins with your carbs
  • Although carbs might give you energy right away, they will leave you hungry later on
  • You want to stay light, keeping in mind that you will be standing to offer devotions in the night

Best Midnight Snack

  • Staying up late to offer devotions will require more snacks, so stick to fruit and nuts, and water to replenish your energy stores
  • Stock up now on whichever fruits are your favorites: consider dried fruits, such as raisins and dates

Make a Smoothie

  • Fruits, milk or alternatives, and protein will fuel you through the night, or at the early meal time

Guilty Pleasures Sometimes

  • Eat your baklawa or candy bars if you need to celebrate an especially tough day
  • Do not make sticky sweets or fatty foods a habit, but an occasional indulgence
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