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Keeping Faith: 10 pieces of advice for New Muslims

By September 6, 2016October 26th, 2017Blog

Keeping the Faith: 10 pieces of advice for New Muslims

Accepting Islam is just the beginning. A New Muslim’s journey is paved with many tests, but it’s also marked with many blessings. Answering the call of God by way of embracing and practicing Islam is the path that is the most worthy of being tread.

Having some valuable advice from others who have gone on this path before you, can help in navigating through it with ease.We’ve worked with many new Muslims and always come across great pieces of advice they share from their experiences. There are some that really stick out, and we wanted to share with all those New Muslims who are probably going through similar challenges.  Here are 10 pieces of valuable advice they would like to share with you.

10. Breaking the News:. Accepting Islam may be at odds with your family’s religious beliefs.  NMA students advised taking it gradually, slowly easing them into the news. Some suggested inviting them to dinner or taking them to an Islamic event.

9. Reconciling Differences: Non-Muslim family and friends may start to debate with you over your choice. NMA students advised not to engage in heated debates, rather address them respectfully and avoid arguing.

8. Bridging the Gap: It’s important to show you have not lost your identity by becoming Muslim. Although, you may not be able to participate in certain events you used to, attendance of these events does not define you as a person. These issues will continue to arise. NMA students advised to be confident in explaining your decisions and values. Don’t be apologetic about your Islamic values. Refrain from criticizing and having a judgemental tone when speaking to family about their values and decisions.

7. The New Muslim Colleague: With a new set of practices and values like prescribed ritual worship and fasting it may be difficult to keep your conversion private. NMA students advised, letting your co-workers know through a friendly conversation, and maybe starting with your boss.

6. Destination Paradise: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said whoever treads a path in search of knowledge, God will ease the way to paradise for him”. NMA students advised New Muslims to begin studying by utilizing NMA and seeking NMA teachers’ guidance in reading Islamic books, attending events, and taking online classes.

5. The Starting point:  Having a good foundation will help while on the path of seeking knowledge. NMA students advised starting with a general understanding of beliefs followed by major practises of Islam. Some suggested learning commonly used Islamic terms and phrases.

4. Taking the Best Route: Treading the path of knowledge means learning the ins and outs of Islam. Many advised first finding a reliable source of learning, followed by seeking a mentor or a supportive community.

3. Slow Down: Immersed in a vast amount of knowledge and desire to implement can be an overwhelming and confusing experience. Don’t take on too much too soon.Take things on gradually, you don’t have to do everything in one day. Try a Muslim buddy system, where you can keep in touch and check up on each other.

2.  Roadblocks and Open Roads: It’s natural for new Muslims to have questions and concerns about the knowledge they are acquiring and implementing. Please ask NMA teachers or other qualified and properly trained teachers for guidance about your religious concerns.

1.Crossing Borders: New Muslims can find themselves entering a foreign community with its own language, cultures and unique dynamics. NMA students advised to attend Islamic events and gatherings with more seasoned Muslims who can show you around. Slowly get involved in local programs, by volunteering in order to better acquaint yourself, and also developing your own confidence and skills.

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