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How Belief in the Day of Judgement is Critical for Real Success

By October 28, 2017November 30th, 2017Blog

How belief in the Day of Judgement is Critical for Real Success




This is a big, long word that is usually thrown around when people start talking about governments, or big business. It’s a word that people like to use when they want to make sure that things are on the up-and-up.


But what about personally?


Personal accountability means that we are taking responsibility for our actions, we are owning them. We are considering the consequences and the aftereffects of what we say and do.


Not a lot of people think about accountability in the personal sense. Because that’s scary. And it leads to change, which is hard.

Scary and hard things are usually avoided.


Many of us live a life of ease. We can order food to our homes without even getting off the couch. We can make a comment online to a stranger and not worry if they are offended. We can do something quite bad in secret, because no one is watching. We think that no one will ever know.


The big thing that separates those who do consistent good, behave well and have a successful attitude and those who slide by doing what they want is accountability.


Who do we answer to?




Belief in the Day of Judgement is critical for success because there are many things that go on, many injustices and harms, and many great and good things, that go unaddressed or unnoticed by people.


Who tallies those things up?




For Muslims, this belief is part of what keeps us going! When we look around and not see the fruits of our efforts, we should know that angels are recording everything and the records they keep will be brought out. And weighed fairly and with justice.


The person who rejected faith will regret and say, “I wish I had done better!” 89:24


While the believer who did much good and is proud of the record presented will say, “Here is my Record, read it. I knew I would meet my reckoning,” and so he will have a pleasant life in a lofty Garden…69:19

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