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Empathy Towards The Poor

By March 4, 2016October 31st, 2017Blog


God Almighty says in the Qur’an:

“Look how We have favoured [in provision] some of them over others. But the Hereafter is greater in degrees [of difference] and greater in distinction.”

In Islam, we believe that God Almighty has favoured in provision some people over others, by giving them more wealth, blessings and gifts. This is in fact a mercy and blessing in disguise from God, for those who do not have the material pleasures of this world will be recompensed with better in the Hereafter if they stood by the truth of the statement La Ilaha Illa Allah – There is no one worthy of worship except for God.

It also stands as a test for those with material provision, to see whether they will spend from their money and time for the sake of God Almighty and if they will show empathy and compassion towards the poor and destitute.

The month of Ramadan is the perfect opportunity to help the poor, as it is in this month that rewards are multiplied by great amounts. It is in this month that God Almighty’s mercy extends far and wide and is at hands reach. Therefore, the blessed month of Ramadan should be one where we empty our pockets by spending in the way of God. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) himself increased in his generosity in this month. He was known to be the most generous of people and he was the most generous in the month of Ramadan. He showed mercy to the poor and treated them with utmost kindness, and there was no barrier between them and him.

And through his many examples, we learn that generosity and compassion towards those who are less fortunate than us can be displayed in several different ways. From donating money so that they can provide for themselves and their families, to going out of one’s way to purchase goods, food and clothing which can be donated to those less fortunate in the neighbourhood areas. Perhaps even cooking a meal for them or sharing one’s futoor with them. Whatever it may be, God Almighty is Ever Seeing and will not let any of these deeds go unnoticed. Your acts of generosity will be rewarded in manifold and multiplied in this noble month.

Empathy towards the poor is limitless, it also includes raising your hands in the depth of the night, just before the break of dawn, and asking God Almighty to shower His mercy and aid upon these people, to remove their poverty, bless their wealth and grant them ease in all their difficulties. This is also a responsibility that we owe our fellow brothers and sisters suffering around the world. And indeed, supplication to God for another individual is from amongst the best gifts that one can give! God Almighty will respond to you and grant you in return the same or more, for the angels say Amen to every supplication you make for your brother or sister in Islam.

So, brothers and sisters, let this month be a month where you give, give and give more. Let it be a time where you reflect upon the plight of the suffering Muslims in all corners of the world. Raise your hands and make du’aa and supplicate for those who have not been blessed with the luxuries and wealth that you live with every day. Spend in the path of God Almighty sincerely seeking His Face, and He will grant you much more in return.

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