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Treat yourself this Ramadan

By June 21, 2017October 23rd, 2017Blog

Treat yourself this Ramadan

Treat yourself this Ramadan

Treats. Everyone likes them, not just children.  Treats are rewards for doing work, or for being active, which motivate the one awarded to keep going. So treat yourself this Ramadan.
Pick something that you really like to eat, a treat, whether sweet or savory, and purchase or make some.  When you break your fast, then you eat a little of it, to reward yourself for a good job done.  You can treat yourself for accomplishing any of your Ramadan goals, or for offering your prescribed ritual devotion on time.
Why not?  You’re a new Muslim. You need the motivation! The result will be that you look forward to the treat, and it makes the deed (fasting, reading Quran, praying) more enjoyable because you know the reward.
This basic human nature of appreciating a reward after hard work is the beautiful thing about Paradise as mentioned in the Quran.  God knows our nature and has promised us whatever we want in the Paradise, when we are working hard and doing good things in our lives.
As you prepare your treats, consider the treats and delights that could be in store for you in the next life. Here are some descriptions of Paradise as told by God in His Book:
“Here is a picture of the Garden promised to the pious: rivers of water forever pure, rivers of milk forever fresh, rivers of wine, a delight for those who drink, rivers of honey clarified and pure, [all] flow in it; there they will find fruit of every kind; and they will find forgiveness from their Lord…” (47:15)
“So God will save them from the woes of that Day, give them radiance and gladness, and reward them, for their steadfastness, with a Garden and silk [robes].  They will sit on couches, feeling neither scorching heat nor biting cold, with shady [branches] spread above them and clusters of fruit hanging close at hand.  They will be served with silver plates and gleaming silver goblets according to their fancy, and they will be given a drink  infused with ginger from a spring called Salsabil.” (76: 12-19)
No matter what kind of awesome treat you make or buy, you can’t beat that!
May God allow you to give yourself a treat and discover ways to motivate yourself through the rest of Ramadan.
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7 years ago

Eid Mubarak
Dear sister
May Allah forgive our sins
And give us jannah