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Your Fast Doesn’t Have to be Perfect

By May 17, 2017October 25th, 2017Blog
You Don’t Have to Be Perfect.
Once I met a nice woman who was interested in Islam, learning a lot about its regulations. She even learned how to perform the ritual devotion before she became Muslim.
She had it in her head that once she becomes Muslim, she wanted to start off getting everything right.  But what she was trying to do, is not even possible. She thought she could get it perfect on the first try.
The point of the story is that when she accepted Islam, she realized that there was still a lot  more to learn, and a lot more to do. Unfortunately, this story is all too common. Many people get overwhelmed because they do not follow the prophetic guidance of gradual growth with proper guidance. They also start learning about regulations before the fundamental beliefs and basic foundations.
When you try fasting, and worshiping during Ramadan, just try your best.  God accepts all good deeds done for His sake, not just the perfected ones.  Check out what God says regarding trying:
“I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. I am with my servant when he mentions Me.
If he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself;
and if he mentions Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly greater than it.
If he draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to him an arm’s length.
And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him fast.’”
So, trying is rewarded by God.  Ramadan is a month when each Muslim has the chance to look inside themselves and work on their shortcomings.  It’s a time of mercy, that we can have mercy on ourselves, and take our time in our own development.
Last year, I attended a webinar of super-wealthy Muslims who told us about their Ramadan goals. One amazing man mentioned he had a goal to feed 200,000 Muslims during the month Ramadan.  I have no doubt that he accomplished that.
At first, I thought, ‘What is that, compared to me just feeding my family?’
Then I remembered the spirit of Ramadan is NOT comparing yourself to others, but comparing yourself at the beginning, and the end of the month, and coming out a better Muslim.
So I’m writing this to say that you should take little steps towards whatever personal goals you have this Ramadan. If you beg God to help, and take those tiny steps, you will have a successful Ramadan.
Check out the tips in this Ramadan ebook. We have your back, and are here to help you achieve the greatness that you hope for in yourself.


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7 years ago

Excellently written. intentions are important. … And Allah knows best…Try one’s best … and let not people judge you..