Final Quiz

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I am excited and also nervous about starting this journey. I believe that Allah guided me to this path and I look forward to my future as a Muslim.

Assalam alykumu waramathulilay wabarakatu alhamdulillahi for every peoples of Allah

Excited to begin my journey. I am 75 years old and find peace in my new faith.

Sara Bokker (Administrator) January 18, 2024 at 12:15 pm

Welcome, Br. John, to Islam! And to New Muslim Academy! We are happy to have you here. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if there is anything we can help you with. We offer many free courses, Quran classes, and one-on-one consultations. May Allah bless you!

That is amazing!! Alhamdulillah!!

Excited to start the journey

Very excited thank you for asking.

Hey yaseen and you are from Rwanda♥️

Asalaamu alaikum, thank you for the tutorials! I don’t think the tutorial mentioned this, but to my understanding, in the third unit of prayer (unless it is the final unit, such as in Maghrib), you do not sit after the second prostration, instead you rise and begin the 4th unit right after the second prostration of the third. Is this correct?

Sara Bokker (Administrator) August 3, 2023 at 3:51 am

The video demonstrated a two unit prayer and mentioned what to do in the case of more units at the 5 minute mark, please go back and check.

What you said is correct.

I wish they had fellow Sisters to show how to do this.

Am getting a lot of Islamic studies knowledge yet am new in the father,Allah bless and reword you abundantly

Asalam alykum, am from Uganda but am really grateful because am alot of Islamic studies knowledge

Assalamu Alaykum, is there a PDF document of the Arabic transcript and English transliteration for the du’a during the second and final sitting?

I am very grateful for the entire team involved in providing this knowledge needed to me, who is new to Islam. Unfortunately, seeing it a few times and doing quizzes doesn’t make me memorize it immediately. Hopefully, I can get further guidance. May Allah repay all your hard work and kindness. Thank you, New Muslim Academy team.

Ameen. May Allah reward the New Muslim Academy team tremendously for their efforts!

I’m so grateful I found this academy. I’m a newly married Muslim woman and I have so much to learn

Is it okay to have a piece of paper or iPad with me while I am learning to pray?

Salam alaykum this is amazing! I’m passing all the quizzes! Alhamdulillah

This is awesome. I’m a few days into the journey along the right path Allah decreed for all of us.

me to im excited to start my journey

As I start my new journey I appreciate all the knowledge that you can give to me is I want to be a good Muslim thank you

Asalamu alaykum, qu’ran education is dynamic and exciting, wudu is the best!

Asaalam aleykum brethren, am new here from kenya

Found one from my country


I love the video it was very powerful and for me on my new life and journey assalamualaikum

AssalamﹰAlaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sisters and blothers , thank you for thi opportunity you give me i know more in the will of Allah swt thorough you.may Allah grantyou goodness. And i need you to keep updating informing on any steps forward.May Allah swt grant us anything which is good in this world and in the hereafter and may he protects us a extra mile from Jahannam Ameen

Robertp Cruz Figueirêdo September 15, 2022 at 5:09 pm

Fiz o teste direitinho. Repeti até responder certas as dez questões.

Asalaam Aleykum
Am so excited to learn this,Alhamdullilah for Islam

Mashallah this was very helpful

Abdulai Yerah Mansaray July 7, 2022 at 2:16 pm

ma-sha-Allah very easy to understand.
May Allah reward all those who are spreading and seeking islamic knowledge

I think if you put the arabic transliteration out of the video it would be very helpful because I need it. Jazakullahu kair

Thank You So much NMA..This is my 1st Ramadan and this is so helpful I wanna become a good Muslim..My work schedule doesn’t allow me to attend the Masjid here in New Orleans often I only went twice but Insh Allah I will do better I really need this course

It would be most helpful if you leave the arabic transliteration in written format somewhere outside the videos so we can take the time required to actually learn it. JazakAlah

Jazaka Allahu Khairan. This was awesome, Masha Allah

Ssendegeya Faisal March 7, 2022 at 4:05 pm

This is awesome but the hardest is to master Arabic

Coordinator NMA (Administrator) March 8, 2022 at 5:06 am

Assalamu Alaykum

Please join our new Free Online Workshop Quranic Arabic – The Fast & Easy Way

You can find all the details here:

perfect videos with perfect explanations and steady pace! greatly appreciated!

It was nice to watch the steps and helpful but I want to see women way and it’s hard for me to recite

Khadija Provencher April 19, 2022 at 7:31 am

As Salaamu Alaykum Sis..
It’s the same for the sisters. If you wear hijab, or socks.. all that is needed is to touch the hair with your wet fingertips, and the feet.. whip you hands over them. We are not to wear anything that will block the water from touching our skin in Wudu. Like nail polishes, lipstick, and also perfumes or colognes.. only because they have alcohol in them.
May Allah be pleased with you for your intentions.. Aameen

I have complete the test successful.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

Renata Angra da Silva January 4, 2022 at 1:55 am

Excelente explicação.
Muito didático!

I was so excited when I saw this and the information in the lessons is what I needed..Thank You @New Muslim Academy

I’ve completed the quizzes scoring perfectly on each one, but I’m afraid it is the Arabic language that is hardest for me. I would like help finding a place or website that can teach me to memorize and understand each part through Arabic.

i agree did you find anything resourceful?

If you mean learning surat Al Fatiha, the only leaning material I found from reliable sourse with tafsir and word by word translation is this one, “True meaning of Surah Al-Fatiha #3” youtube K-Islam project.
If you mean generally fusha arabic then look up “Sam Martin Burr”, “Arabic in 60 Steps” channels.

I thought the videos were exceptional, however, I would also love to have seen a Sister showing the new Sisters’ wudu as well. I think this would help the new Sisters.
Jazaka’Allahun Khairn

I agree. Seeing some videos with sisters would be helpful or encouraging I guess.

Great course Mα Sнαα Aℓℓαн including the script, videography and editing. Thumbs up

Wavinya Mutuku Mutuku December 17, 2021 at 3:08 am happy I am ..have completed the questions

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