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Ramadan Glossary

By March 20, 2023Uncategorized

You may hear a number of Arabic words and terms during and around the month of Ramadan. Here is a glossary for the main words you’re likely to come across connected to Ramadan.

  • Ramadan – 9th month of the lunar Islamic calendar and the month of fasting
  • Hilal – The new crescent moon which signifies the beginning of every lunar month, including Ramadan. It also signifies the end of the month of Ramadan when the new month begins.
  • Ramadan Mubarak – A greeting when Ramadan enters, which means “Have a blessed Ramadan.”
  • Sawm/Siyam – The Arabic word for fasting
  • Suhur – It is used to refer to the meal at pre-dawn in preparation for the day of fasting.
  • Iftar – literally to break the fast. It is often used to refer to the food or meal at sunset when breaking the fast.
  • Tamr – The date fruit, which is recommended to be the first thing eaten when breaking the fast.
  • Tarawih – the term for the optional devotions offered at night after the Isha daily devotion. It consists of a number of two-unit devotions. It is often prayed in the congregation but can also be offered individually.
  • Qiyam – Another form of nightly optional devotions. Many Muslims choose to pray extra during the last ten nights of Ramadan and will often offer this towards the last third of the night.
  • Witr – The odd-numbered optional devotion that is offered at the end of the night after all other devotions have been completed.
  • I’tikaf – The period of seclusion in a mosque which is usually for the last ten nights of Ramadan, in which a person will spend all their time in the mosque worshipping God.
  • Laylat al-Qadr – The Night of Special Status which occurs on one of the odd last ten nights of Ramadan. God in the Quran equals this night to more than a thousand months of reward.
  • Zakah – The pillar of Islam of alms which is due once in a lunar year for those who have the financial ability and qualify for it. This does not have to be given in Ramadan but often is by many Muslims.
  • Zakat al-Fitr – The mandatory alms given by every Muslim in the last couple of days in Ramadan to the poor.
  • Eid al-Fitr – One of two religious celebrations for Muslims. It signifies the end of the month of Ramadan. The Celebration of Breaking Fast.
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1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  Khadijah

This is very helpful…not only learning the words but also the spelling and knowing the meaning/ definition. Jazak Allahu khair For those that included this. May Allah swt reward you for your understanding in our struggle to learn, and apply to daily life/ growth

Ayeni Hezekiah
Ayeni Hezekiah
1 year ago

Ramadan Mubarak to Us

1 year ago

This is so helpful

Maria fe apuyan
Maria fe apuyan
1 year ago


Angella Namanya
Angella Namanya
1 year ago

Walaikhum salaam warahmaturah wabalakatuh