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Blogs for New Muslims – Islamic Education Blogs

12 Rights Due to Our Parents

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12 Rights Due to Our Parents

12 Rights Due to Our Parents

We all come into the world the same way: through our parents. This list will help new Muslims make sure they are giving their parents their rights.

    1. Dutifulness: Do things for your parents. Make sure that you are in their service to the best of your ability.  This includes physically helping them out at home, running errands for them, and calling them frequently to check up on their welfare.

    2. Obedience: Islamically, the age of 18 does not give a person the right to ignore the wishes of their parents.  We should obey our parents in everything they tell us to do, except those things that go against the commands of God. Obedience to God is supreme.

    3. Speak to them politely and gently: Imagine how you would speak to a famous world leader. Now speak to your parents in a better way.  Our parents cared for us when we were difficult to deal with, so if we experience some difficulty in caring for them, we should remind ourselves of this fact. Politeness and gentleness should flow through our speech to our parents.

    4. Humility: No matter how old or helpless our parents become, we must be humble when dealing with them.  We must always remember, as is mentioned in the Quran several times, the hardship that came with their care for us.  They gave up a lot of comfort, were humble and generous so we could survive.

    5. Pray for them: Pray to God for their health, their livelihood, and for their guidance in this life as often as you remember.

    6. Don’t curse or disrespect others’ parents: This may cause others to curse or disrespect your parents. Every parent deserves respect.

    7. Respect your parents’ their family, relatives and friends during their lifetime. Even after their death continue to show respect to whomever they kept in touch with and were close to. Keep in touch with and care for those special to your parents even after your parents pass away.

    8. Share good information: Anything beneficial you learn that can help your parents, you should share with them. This includes information about God and our relationship with Him. Offering this information in the kindest way as sincere counsel is a great good deed.

    9. Befriend your parents: Establish a closeness to them, which will increase your love and affection to them. Examples of this are to consult them and take from their life experience, and to give them gifts all the time.

    10. Be considerate of their culture and habits: There is probably a small fraction of the culture you came from that is opposed to Islam. Do not disrupt the habits and culture of your parents, and be considerate of their feelings.

    11. Changing the name your parents gave you is a huge insult to your parents. If you so choose, don’t use your new name around your parents.

    12. Invest in your parents: Try your best to bring joy to your parents’ hearts. Get to know them better to find out what is dear to them, and be creative in how you invest your time and energy in establishing a solid, caring relationship with them.






May God Almighty bless us with consideration and good manners in regards to our parents, the people through which God brought so much mercy and care, who cared for us and still do.

How the New Muslim can Celebrate Eid on Their Own

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How the New Muslim can Celebrate Eid on Their Own

How the New Muslim can Celebrate Eid on their Own

Sometimes you can be alone, in a room full of people.  New Muslims often feel like that, even if the room is full of other Muslims.  Sometimes it’s because the convert is the only Muslim in the room. This is a feeling new Muslims can have any time of year, but it can be especially challenging to feel this way on Eid Day as it is the day of celebration for Muslims.

A sister I met treats Eid like any other day. She doesn’t take off work, and behaves as though it is any other day. She attended the Eid congregation service, out of obligation, but felt out of place. She was single and not married with no family or loved ones among the Muslim community with whom to share the day.

I recommended that she at least go out for dinner, or treat herself out. This is, after all, a day we are commanded to eat and have fun!

New clothes for a new Muslim

It is encouraged to purchase and wear new clothing on Eid day for those who can afford it. This is a great time to get some new clothes. Even if you can’t get to an Eid congregation service, you will get a lift of spirits wearing something new.

Eid day without Eid Congregation

If you don’t live near a place that offers Eid congregation services for Muslims, or you just can’t go, you can still worship God on this day.  Remember God the best way you can during the day.  Thank Him for allowing you to reach the end of Ramadan, and beg him to accept what good you were able to do during the month. Renew your intention to keep up good habits formed during Ramadan.

Part of what Muslims do on their way to attend Eid congregation services is to make ‘Takbir’, which is a prayer for the glorification of God stating ‘God is greater than everything and anything’. Repeat this prayer as often as possible, beginning at sunset on the eve of Eid, all through the night until when Eid congregation service is usually offered, before noon. There are different forms of saying the prayer. The most complete form is “God is the Greatest! God is the Greatest! There is nothing worthy of worship except the One True God. God is the Greatest, God is the greatest, and for Him is all the praise.”

Treat yourself this Ramadan

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Treat yourself this Ramadan

Treat yourself this Ramadan

Treats. Everyone likes them, not just children.  Treats are rewards for doing work, or for being active, which motivate the one awarded to keep going. So treat yourself this Ramadan.
Pick something that you really like to eat, a treat, whether sweet or savory, and purchase or make some.  When you break your fast, then you eat a little of it, to reward yourself for a good job done.  You can treat yourself for accomplishing any of your Ramadan goals, or for offering your prescribed ritual devotion on time.
Why not?  You’re a new Muslim. You need the motivation! The result will be that you look forward to the treat, and it makes the deed (fasting, reading Quran, praying) more enjoyable because you know the reward.
This basic human nature of appreciating a reward after hard work is the beautiful thing about Paradise as mentioned in the Quran.  God knows our nature and has promised us whatever we want in the Paradise, when we are working hard and doing good things in our lives.
As you prepare your treats, consider the treats and delights that could be in store for you in the next life. Here are some descriptions of Paradise as told by God in His Book:
“Here is a picture of the Garden promised to the pious: rivers of water forever pure, rivers of milk forever fresh, rivers of wine, a delight for those who drink, rivers of honey clarified and pure, [all] flow in it; there they will find fruit of every kind; and they will find forgiveness from their Lord…” (47:15)
“So God will save them from the woes of that Day, give them radiance and gladness, and reward them, for their steadfastness, with a Garden and silk [robes].  They will sit on couches, feeling neither scorching heat nor biting cold, with shady [branches] spread above them and clusters of fruit hanging close at hand.  They will be served with silver plates and gleaming silver goblets according to their fancy, and they will be given a drink  infused with ginger from a spring called Salsabil.” (76: 12-19)
No matter what kind of awesome treat you make or buy, you can’t beat that!
May God allow you to give yourself a treat and discover ways to motivate yourself through the rest of Ramadan.

Three Steps to Ramadan: How the Early Muslim Community Learned to Fast

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Three Steps to Ramadan: How the early Muslim community learned to fast

Muslims today wake up before dawn to prepare for the fast, they fast all day, and then they break fast at the setting of the sun. Did you know the rulings for fasting went through a few changes during the ministry of the Messenger of God? Read on to learn the gradual stages that fasting went through in the early days of Islam.

To fast, or not to fast? That was a question!

           When fasting was first introduced to the early Muslim community it was to fast a limited number of days, three days out of every month, and the day of Ashura. Read here about that special              day.

           “You who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may be mindful of God. Fast for a specific number of days, but if one of you is ill, or on a               journey, then on other days later.” 2:183

           Two years after the migration from Mecca to Medina, fasting Ramadan was introduced but as part of the gradual process of legislation and teaching, there was an option to fast, or not to fast            rather to feed those in need instead.
          “For those who can fast only with extreme difficulty, there is a way to compensate – feed a needy person.  But if anyone does good of his own accord, it is better for him, and fasting is better               for you, if you only knew.” 2:184

         The final stage was to obligate fasting except for those who have valid excuses not to fast.

Big consequences for Missing the Breakfast Meal

If the Muslims did not break their fast at sunset, however, they could not eat until the following pre-dawn meal. One of the early Muslims came home on a day he was fasting, and fell asleep before breaking his fast. He also missed the next morning’s early meal, and then passed out in the middle of the next day.

Some of the Muslims admitted to the Messenger of God that they had relations with their wives in the nights of Ramadan.

When this story about the man passing out, and these admissions were made, God revealed, “It is permissible for you to lie with your wives during the night of the fast: they are as close as garments to you, as you are to them. God was aware that you were betraying yourselves, so He turned to you in mercy and pardoned you..” 2:187

The early Muslims were delighted that they were allowed to have intimacy during the nights of Ramadan and not have to fast until right before dawn.

The Fast we Know

After that, another verse was revealed which made fasting an obligation for everyone, and paused fasting all night until the pre-dawn meal.  God revealed, “..So any one of you who sees in that month should fast, and anyone who is ill or on a journey should make up for the lost days by fasting on other days later. God wants ease for you, not hardship.  He wants you to complete the prescribed period and to glorify Him for having guided you, so that you may be thankful.” 2:185

Every person who was present when Ramadan came was to fast the month. Those who were sick or travelling at the time could make up for the days later, and the rule remained that the weak and the elderly could feed people instead of fast.

It’s enlightening to know about the gradual stages of the revelation of the Quran and the gradual rulings about different aspects of Islam.  God willing, this will motivate you for the rest of this blessed month.

Sickness and Fasting Ramadan

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Sickness and Fasting Ramadan

Many of us at NMA (New Muslims) are eager to fast and to show our dedication to God. Some of us are feeling guilty for not being able to fast due to our health condition. It is important for us to realize that God does not desire for us to put ourselves in harm’s way. Showing dedication to God is to obey Him, even if it means taking the legal concessions He has given us instead of doing a ritual devotion that we may desire.

I want to remind you that God knows your condition and does not hold you accountable for what you cannot do physically.

The general principle with acts of devotion is that they are based on one’s ability to perform them. This is taken from the text of the Quran and the prophetic teachings.

God says, “…..He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty.” 22:78

“God does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity.” 2:286

“Keep your duty to God as best you can” 64:16

Islam is not meant to overburden you or cause you stress, neither are its regulations and commands. What is meant is peace of mind, heart and soul through devotion to Almighty God.

Sicknesses are of different types and degrees of severity. Some sicknesses affect the fast while others do not.

A sick person has one of these three scenarios

Does not get effected by fasting. Examples of this are having a minor cold, a light headache, toothache etc. This individual is obligated to fast.

Experiences difficulty by fasting but it does not risk definite personal bodily harm. Examples of this are flu (unless the person is very old); certain common infections like tonsillitis; migraine headaches or severe tension headaches, etc. This individual is recommended not to fast.

Experiences difficulty by fasting and it causes personal bodily harm. Examples of this are kidney failure, diabetes, cancer etc. This individual is forbidden to fast and will be sinful for doing so. Hence, a person with a chronic disease is obligated not to fast.

As for making up the missed days of fasting: If the sickness is temporary with the hope of recovery, the person should make up those days sometime in the near future after recovery. However, if you have a chronic condition where the sickness is permanent and there is no hope of recovery, the person atones for the missed days by feeding a poor person twice daily for the amount of days he/she has missed.

A sick person who has a chronic condition does not fast. Instead, you get the same reward of fasting by feeding a poor person for everyday you miss.

This is an example of how to do so utilizing one of the many Muslim charity organizations.

If you live in the USA, by paying $10/per day ($300 total) to a charity organization. They will handle the rest of giving the money to those eligible.

One such organization is Islamic Relief

Good News for You, the Sincere Convert to Islam

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Good news for You, the Sincere Convert to Islam

Fasting takes practice. And a lot of energy. And self-control. Sometimes you can actually hear the argument that your stomach gives you when you fast!

God knows how hard it is for you to do what you do for His sake.  He knows your intention, and He will reward you greatly.

Converts to Islam don’t have nostalgia or family culture to comfort them during Ramadan.  They perform the prescribed ritual devotions, fast, read the Quran and offer prayers that are foreign to their own cultural customs and traditions.  They believe wholeheartedly in a Messenger that they have never even seen.

Did you know that the Messenger of God mentioned such people over 1400 years ago?

The Messenger of God once was with his disciples and said, “I wish I could meet my brethren.”

The Messenger’s disciples said, “Are we not your brethren?”

The Messenger said, “You are my companions and disciples, but my brethren are those who believe in me although they have never seen me.”

May God bless us to be among those people that the Messenger of God mentioned so long ago!

In the Quran there is also good news for the sincere new Muslim:

“Those who believe in God and His Messengers are the truthful ones who will bear witness before their Lord: they will have their reward and their light…”(57:19)

So take heart, and welcome this great news from the Messenger of God and the Quran that you are on the right path, and your reward is certain if you are sincere.

May God bestow on us sincerity and purity of intention, and the capacity to do all the good we intend to do in this month, and always!

What New Muslims can do when Not Fasting

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What New Muslims can do in Ramadan when Not fasting

Fasting and Ramadan are synonymous, aren’t they?  Those who are not fasting during Ramadan don’t exactly broadcast the fact.  Sometimes it can seem like if you can’t fast, there’s no point to celebrating Ramadan. It can either be due to illness, or the monthly break Muslim ladies will have from the prescribed ritual devotion due to the menstrual cycle.

Good news!  There is much more to Ramadan than just fasting!  Don’t think about all that you can’t do, and take a look at the list of the things that you can do this Ramadan:

  1. Realize that this condition is something that God decreed.  His plan is perfect and His timing is perfect.  Don’t feel sad, but try to be content that God has allowed you this time for you to explore other areas where you can draw near to Him.  Here’s an amazing thought: you are worshiping God by NOT offering the prescribed ritual.  You are obeying God’s command to refrain from offering the prescribed ritual devotion and fasting while on your menstrual period.

  2. Pray anyway.  No I don’t mean offer the prescribed ritual devotion, I just mean pray to God. Prayer has no prerequisites or conditions of ritual purity. You simply talk to God when you feel like it.

  3. Keep your connection with the Quran.  Continue to listen and read the translation of the Quran during your period while you refrain from the ritual devotion and the fast. If you set aside the time of each prescribed ritual for Quran, you might even read more than usual!

  4. Learn and say the daily supplications for different occasions: going to sleep, waking up, eating, leaving the house etc.

  5. Prepare some food to share with others.  Perhaps your family or neighbors would appreciate something you’ve made for yourself. Ramadan is a month of charity!

  6. The self-control and patience that fasting helps develop should be kept up during the time when you refrain from fasting.  Continue to guard your tongue from saying bad things, and protect your ears from hearing bad things or being silent when someone is saying something evil.

  7. Donate clothes, food, toys, money etc

God decreed this time as a mercy for Muslim women.  You are relieved of the burden of offering the prescribed ritual devotion and fasting, so that you can concentrate on other ways to worship God.  May God help you be consistent in your worship through the whole month.

Battling Loneliness During Ramadan

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Battling Loneliness during Ramadan

Although Ramadan is known for those who are born Muslim as a time of community and family gatherings just like any typical holiday season, for the new Muslim it’s just not.

When you’re going through a test alongside someone else, it’s a bit easier. So, what can the convert to Islam do, on their own, to make Ramadan special?

Virtual Family

The New Muslim Academy forums are busy with activity all year. Why not join the discussion?  Great pains are taken to ensure that all students are converts to Islam, so you will be discussing Ramadan, breaking fast alone, predawn meals in secret and other topics with people that are going through the same struggles that you are experiencing.

Break Fast with a Lecture

Plan ahead, and look for a great lecture to watch or listen to while you eat your break-fast meal.  You will really benefit from listening to someone’s voice so it may as well be someone who is teaching you something new! Here are some recommended lectures:

“The Prophet’s Ramadan” series

“The Prophetic Day” series

“Building the Foundation” series

Be the Host with the Most

You could get rewards multiplied by hosting a dinner at your home, at which you break your fast with your family, co-workers or fellow students.  Everyone loves to eat! If you invite people to come and eat when you are having dinner, it will be a great way to introduce your new faith.

The charity that you spend on your family and neighbors is also greatly rewarded. Consider inviting a few non-Muslims, who are close to you, love you and accept you for who you are, over while you break your fast.

Have mercy on yourself and make it a potluck, explaining your dietary restrictions, and the time of day that you will be breaking your fast. The fastest way to a person’s heart is through his/her belly!

May God bless your heart with gratefulness and satisfaction in your chosen faith and Way of God, and may He ease your emotional hurt of loneliness this Ramadan.

What Fasting Does For You

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What Fasting Does for You

God has prescribed fasting for us, so that means there’s good in it.  The word used in the Quran is  ‘prescribed’. What does that mean?
It’s like a doctor’s prescription: it helps. It heals, and by the permission of God, cures.
Here are some things that fasting can do for your body, and your soul:


Fasting improves brain function, and because the body doesn’t produce as much hormones to use for digestion, stress levels are lowered.
Losing weight in Ramadan helps your body detoxify, as toxins in the fat stores will be eliminated through fasting and losing weight.
The fast of Ramadan helps the body achieve a greater metabolism which has many known health benefits.


Gaining mindfulness of God, as is mentioned in the Quran, “You who believe, fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may be mindful of God.” 2:183
Renewed commitment to obedience to God, as mundane acts like eating and drinking are avoided for His sake
Confidence in the strength of your belief is supported for each successful fasting day
Unselfishness blossoms in the heart of the mindful fasting Muslim as we consider those less fortunate who are hungry all year
If not a communal feeling of brotherhood, a spiritual one can be felt in the heart during Ramadan as we fast along with the Muslims in the rest of the world